Friday Fitness Update

Hello Love Bugs!

So this week I did not work out at all. I believe the last day I worked out was Saturday. I had a business trip that I went on that took up my entire Sunday and then… my husband and I bought our first house and moved in on Monday and Tuesday! 

If you were asking, yes… these are excuses. For me, when I get overwhelmed, I tend to shut down. Everything came so fast, even though I did know about the trip and things, but I let that get into my head. 

I can say that the motivation was there, but once we got to moving things around and actually trying to get as settled as possible… it went away really fast. 

I am, however, looking forward to next Monday and my workout. I know that it will be difficult at first, because I took a week off, but I believe it will elevate my mood. 

If I have learned anything from working out, is that at this point, my body is not the problem. I love with my body and I will continue to work on it. I mean… I look great! 

My mind is the place I am training now when I work out. Pushing farther and being better, in my head, than I was before. I cannot continue to shy and way from challenges… not all, but most. I also have to build up my will so that when I get overwhelmed, I can push through it and continue to strive for the best in what I want out of life!

This is one challenge that I have never faced… Myself. I have always stood in my own way and now, I have to kick myself and get it into high gear! No more being less efficient!  (I learned that from a friend last week. All about phrasing!)

Keep up the good work! Stay Blessed!

Lady Lynn

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